Saturday, 5 June 2010

The week the world remembered Gaza

The week the world remembered Gaza: "Al Jazeera Blogs"

I would like to highlight the following excerpts from the blog entry:

"It seemed Gaza was no longer a story.

And then the Freedom Flotilla set sail from Cyprus.

Suddenly people were interested again. What was really happening in this tiny strip of land – blockaded on land, by sea and in the air – and what was the international community doing about it?

"However the flotilla was also bringing hope. Hope that maybe the siege could be broken and that the international community would take action.

Instead there have been statements, condemnations and resolutions.

And so the siege continues.

The international spotlight is fading away from Gaza, moving onto the United Nations, Turkey, Israel and the US.

And as it fades, the feeling that the world has not forgotten Gaza is also starting to slip away.

These statements made by Al Jazeera reporter Nicole Johnston are, sadly, so very true. We are all guilty of forgetting Gaza one way or another. We, not only as an international community but as individuals, must speak out for the people of Gaza.

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